Conventional grill B5506 and B5508
Conventional grill B7504, b7506 and B7508
Cooktop With Grease Collects 750 series Stoves.
Cylindrical barbecue grill B5506 and B5508
Cylindrical barbecue grill B7504, B7506 et B7508
Door assembly line stoves 454x396.
Drainer Deep Fryer FD8L and FD10L
Drawer for charcoal 500 series.
Flour sieves FD8L and FD10L
Grill oven 550.
Grill oven 750.
Metal sheet with fat collector Kitchens 550 series.
Roof Tile Barbecue Grill B5506 and B5508
Roof Tile Barbecue Grill B7504, B7506 and B7508
Set doors 454x396 Kitchens series
Soldered metal sheet Barbecue 500 AC 6 mm.